Programmable 5-Cup Coffee Maker, Compact Coffee Machine With Reusable Filter

Coffee Pot Machine

  • Automatic Thermal Insulation
  • High Density Filter Screen
  • Easy Operation
  • Drip Proof
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Price: Ksh6,200  Ksh4,500


Ksh4,500 Only, Pay on delivery countrywide

Ksh4,500 Only, Pay on delivery countrywide

How We Deliver?

Once your order is submitted, you will get a call instructing you exactly how you will get your product. Orders received are dispatched the same day to respective destinations. You will not be instructed to pay for anything prior to getting your order. Parcel fee may vary from 300 to 500 shillings depending on your location. 



Price Was: Ksh6,200 

PRICE NOW: Ksh4,500

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